Actually, the first thing I made was a bass ramp. I can't be bothered
explaining that but it's basically a small, thin block with a lot of right
angles. Making right angles happen by hand was really hard, so I swore
off it.
I made the ring by putting together a makeshift lathe using a drill
and some gubbins. It mostly worked, but still needed lots of
For my next project, I thought it
would good to make something for the Cartoon Saloon to celebrate
finishing "Song of the sea" (facebook page), and to say thanks for the job. It was a
really good project to work on and you just can't take that for granted in
So, if you've seen the teaser trailer, you'll have seen
this seashell that the two children have. That seemed easy to make. In fact, it seemed so
easy, I wondered if I'd even carve those spiral shapes into it.
...fat chance.
I very quickly realised that I need to take smaller steps with this whole wood adventure. Here's how it came together.
I had a lovely bit of wood that I'd been drying for a year or so.
Spalted wood is one of my favourite things in the world, and I've read people saying
how hard it is to work. When I started, I didn't see what they were
talking about. It's so spongey and soft! So easy to cut. ...but then it
starts crumbling and denting really easily, and it's really unstable and
hard to predict. Because it's so spongey and soft.
Step 1. No photo. I cut a block out of the lump of wood,
slightly bigger than the dimensions I wanted for the final piece; about
10cm square and 4cm thick.
Step 2, drew the shape on and sawed it roughly to shape, then closer with a chisel and this Mora knife.
Step 3, carved it.
Step 4, made a little foot.
I also cut a small hole into the base and the shell so I could add a dowel, whittled from an old paintbrush, to strengthen the joint.
Step 5, sanding sanding sanidng sandngi sdngng asngnd snigdns gsgsnsg
Step 6, three coats of pure tung oil and some thin CA to stabilise the spongiest bit of the wood.
Then I glued that sucker up.
And that's it. It's a bit wonky but I'm pretending that was intentional, to capture the hand-drawn nature of the film.
though this is more like a blind, wrong-handed drawing of a shell.
Still, it was fun and I learned a lot doing it so it's on to my next bit of woodery.
Still, it was fun and I learned a lot doing it so it's on to my next bit of woodery.
I also discovered I enjoy making little wonky boxes.